Data Analytics blog category.
Algorithms in Data Analysis
Big Data in Government Projects
The Practical Power of Graphs
Time Complexity and Efficiency in Software Engineering
In the realm of software engineering, efficiency isn't just a goal—it's a necessity. As applications become more complex and data grows exponentially, the demand for efficient algorithms that can handle large-scale operations efficiently becomes crucial. One of the fundamental concepts associated with this need is time complexity, a theoretical measure of the execution time required by an algorithm as a function of the length of the input.
The Symbiotic Relationship between Data Governance and Data Security
In today's world, businesses are quickly transforming into digital entities. The evolution of data, its volume, variety, and velocity has been the driving force behind this digital revolution.
Where Does the Money Come From When User Data is Harvested?
As Antonio García Martínez writes for Wired, user data is often referred to as the “new oil” due to its immense value in the digital world. Understanding how data becomes valuable is key for our operations at Onyx, and for parsing this metaphor. Read more from this interesting article to see why this characterization is not as apt as it may seem and gain a more nuanced understanding of how your information makes money for tech giants.
Data Analytics and the Government: What Could Be Gained?
As data analytics abilities become more refined, parties in the public and private sectors alike have much to gain from using such tools. Recent research carried out by Harvard Kennedy School’s Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation explores the benefits of data analytics implementation and reasons for which the field is swiftly becoming a key area of interest and investment for government leaders. Find out more about recent research into the benefits of data analytics.